Partnerships and Funding

PGRC | Partnerships and Funding

Entebbe Botanic Gardens and the Zoo

The Entebbe Botanic Gardens (EBG) is under the Plant Genetic Resources Centre (PGRC). PGRC is mandated to collect and maintain stocks of diverse germplasm, enhance their utilization, pursue scientific research in plant genetics resources management and promote awareness on plant conservation. The Uganda Wildlife Conservation Authority (UWEC) on the other hand is mandated to undertake conservation education, wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and breeding of endangered animal species among others. The centres are usually referred to as, the Entebbe Botanic Gardens (EBG) and the Zoo respectively. These are experiential adventurous, leisure and recreation sites for tourist attraction, students and adults of all age groups. Due to their strategic location along the shared beautiful sceneries of Lake Victoria shores, the two facilities inhabit resident and migratory species that depend on their preferred habitats for feeding, nesting or breeding and resting. The two centres partnered to effectively manage the plant, animal and bird species’ population and diversity simultaneously. More information about UWEC is accessible at

Other partnerships and donors

There are various organizations and institutions that have contributed to the work of PGRC and they include:

  1. The Government of Uganda
  2. KAFACI (Korea Food and Agricultural Cooperative Initiative)
  3. SIDA (Swedish International  Development Corporation  Agency)
  5. The World Bank
  6. DANIDA (The Danish International Development Agency)
  7. EAPGREN (East Africa Plant Genetic Resource Network
  8. Bioversity International
  9. Makerere University
  10. National Environment Management Authority
  11. Uganda Wildlife Authority
  12. Uganda National Farmers’ Federation
  13. National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) Institutes
  14. ACODE and many other civil society organization
  15. ACSA
  16. CABI
  17. CARITAS-Uganda
  18. CURAD
  19. ESAFF
  20. IRD- France
  21. Korea Program on International Agriculture (KOPIA) Uganda Centre
  22. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (Inbar)
  23. Kyagalanyi Coffee Limited
  24. Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries (MAAIF), Uganda
  25. Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST)
  26. Natural Chemotherapeutics Research Institute (NCRI), Ministry of Health (MOH), Uganda.
  27. NFA
  28. OXFAM
  29. PELUM
  30. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
  31. SLOW Food Uganda
  32. Swiss Foundation and Technical Cooperation
  33. TRASE-Trade in Agriculture, Safely and Efficiently
  34. Uganda Export Promotion Board
  35. Uganda Flowers Exporters Association (UFEA)
  36. UNCST
  37. Food and Agriculture Organization
  38. Global Crop Diversity Trust

Get in Touch

    •  Office.+256 414 320 638
    •  P. O Box 40, Berkeley street, Entebbe Uganda
    •  PGRC Email:


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